happy bday! ah yan
Happy Birthday
beloved sweet pretty darling sis
counting down to 2007! WOOOHOOOO :D
u meant alot; just that u don't know.
walking in e rain
Sitting by the window
singing songs of love
Wishing u were here
becos' the memory's not enough
Wear my mask in silence
Pretending im alright
If u cld see then u wld be
here standing by my side
It may b hard to believe
but girl ure the only one i need
It may b hard along the way
It's this feeling i get
when blue skies turn to grey
Feels like im walking in the rain
i find myself trying to wash away e pain
cos i need u to give me some shelter
cos im fading away
& baby, im walking in the rain
Every single hour
of every single day
i need to cry, my eyes are dry
ive cried my tears away
Cant help but remember
how u made me feel
u dressed my soul & made me whole
You made my life complete
It may b hard to believe
but girl ure the only one i need
It may b hard along the way
It's this feeling i get
when blue skies turn to grey
Feels like im walking in the rain
i find myself trying to wash away e pain
cos i need u to give me some shelter
cos im fading away
& baby, im walking in the rain
Of all we've said & done
remains the memories of days
when life was fun
But now when u are gone
i sit alone to watch
the setting of the sun
Feels like im walking in the rain
i find myself trying to wash away the pain
cos i need u to give me some shelter
cos im fading away
& baby, im walking in the rain
i said baby, im walking in the rain

xmas eve
what a lovely surprise as x'mas prezzie
typical routine of me cleansing my face in e toilet. so happily i was, massaging my face in circular motions. den came the "exciting" part where i looked up into e mirror and dangdangdang, a darn lizard right in front me!
*immediate shrudders*
the poor me decided to escape from the temor of that lil freak falling (somehow) onto my face & move to the basin in the kitchen to rinse my face. here comes another "exciting" part where a BIGfat !!cockroach stood under my eyes aft i turned on e lights.
*and i went screaming hysterically*
fancy me with facial foam on my face, shrieking at the top of my voice, running into the living room for help.
in th end i had to rinse off e foam in mummy's bathroom.
i yet to brush my teeth, ugh.
far away.
so far away
alrighties, met up that new zealander fren of mine(!! haha) on 1812. tgt with sukie, we idled ard viVO before catching THE HOLIDAY.
seriously, viVO shld consider including more f&b outlets.
back to mandy. keep y'guys in suspense until u see her :D
tue was accompanying my mum for medical checkup at some unearthly hour, with the dumb wet spell on. well, she has insufficient bld (ping xue u call it. i forgot e medical term). so doc ask her to consume more meat & stuffs for protein & iron.
next to the temple at sbw with that huge statue standing. & ytd was a visit to si-ma-lu at bugis. so i shld feel very safe heh? ((:
today: watched deja vu before a mini retail therapy.
thumbs up for that show thou it's abitbit complicated. it's interesting. and now i have 2 movies cancelled from my list, adding curse of the golden flower to it. most prob dating my mum for that since it's e only one in mandarin :D
HOHOHO! and instead of procuring any apparel, i got myself a pair of wedges that is like oh-duno-how many-inches. it swear it's nice/cool haha <3
e wedges!!!
Y sweet bottled-note from ahjie as x'mas gift ((:
just another hour, im back again!
MOVIEBITESSS: i yearn for
the image of u jst kept hovering around my mind
drops of tears

kaoweidable mates (bf cls photo taking)
my face; her hand
i painted my nails! butterflies~
like i wished it's only you & me.
YOU erased
lalalala~ CHEEEERS x3 cos the long-awaited holidays have finally arrived.
was supposed to go bck to sch this morning to help out in some primers thingy. BUT i woke up only at 8.10 when i shld b meeting sukie at adm by then. HAHAHA so i decided to not to turn up & der goes my cca pts. anws, SORRY!
so den, i packed & tidied up my room- study desk, notes, wardrobe.
and i saw e national day t given by e sch last year. i wna dumped it cos it's like stained but hey, it has my hardwork printed on it. that small pathetic logo.
well, missed sec sch days whr der's noticeboard deco competition && we'll stay back aft sch hrs in e clsroom, making a din like noone's biz.
move on with life ((:
i changed my blogskin! after much customisation of my own.. dangdangdang!! i yet to edit the pic, adding in MY own
oh yeah. most prob meeting up with MANDY on mon. woohooo! im so looking forward to it. hadnt seen her for 123456789 10 months? she misses me like mad can *snigger*
brandon's planning some sort of clsouting to JB this coming thurs. to shop till we drop, to eat till we puke && to rz's hse if possible! (butty but but, i need consent form my parents first. passed my mum's stage. ugh)
woah finally!
enchanting delights!
mandy should have arrived in Singapore by now. waiting for her to contact us :D
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to sweetsdarl, xying. lovely fifteen =]
last presentation of the year 2oo6 will commenced in like 12hrs' time. so congras for the liberty! ((:
cant wait for those sucky few+few+few hours before it marks the end of t3! i LOVE you 3-wks term break. (thou' der's still projs to rush & many revisions i need to do.)
the most impt part, uncompleted retail therapies+ ktv+outings+fun with all my sweets! HERE I COME!!
those tense moments
om presentation's over. ponned e whole of today's lesson to wrap up w/ everything.
so we spent e whole day from 9 to3 coming up with some-self-entertaining skits at the cafe(with lotsa slackings gossipings eatings in btwn thou')
e lyrics are really creative & funny:
I am Olli-Pekka-Kallasvuo
The CEO of Nokia
I am very handsome
I am expert in organisational management
Because i...
Study hard...
I am macho
I am brilliant
I am a very great leader & manager
I play tennis w/ my own staffs
Of cos, I always win them
I care for my staffs
As I'm high in people orientation
He is smart, very smart
Acknowledgement to shhh-shhh, the creator :D
aft lesson was some serious talks which din do any help to e current situation i guessed? every'g is jus so tense. time will cool down all, hopefully. yeah, no doubt these started all becos of ron. & unpleasant comments shoot when one's fuming. let "nature" takes its course. things will work out itself. no point forcing right now.
but well, felt abit guilty for the HA-HA attitude jus now. but wm says it's fine since im remorseful. he apologised to her anws. ((:
end of classroom politics.
atmosphere back home wasn't as good either. hardly had dinner at home for e past 1 wk or so cos of those dumby projs. was so glad to reach my cosy hut jus in time for dinner today. but bahhhhhhhhhhh. n'thg major, minor disputes (i hoped). they'll soon work it out 'emselves.
every'g drew a halt but still, saddening isn't it? imagine a moment of such sweetness yet another when hatred fills & strangers they become. it's hard to define who's right/wrong. both are telling a different story and playing the blaming game. well, im in no stand to comment.
love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss but ends with a tear. how true?
life's full of ups & downs recently. regardless whether it's in sch, at home or wadsoeva.
i demand a peaceful life.
HOLIDAYS(friday) cant u jus arrive the next moment?
yet again, i deleted the previous post. (cos some shuai-ge-he-calls-himself said that will pollute his lil innocent mind?)
i deleted the previous post, jus in case rz e piggy come aft me :D
i ponned FA & the most abhorrent idea today. reason being that im deadbeat. drained from all those rushing of projs for the past few days.
projs came one aft another, turning us all insane.
ggt was disastrous. not because we were unprepared but due to some unforseen stuffs. (&hey, stop apologising. no one's blaming u ((: ) yah so we din haf e mood for anything & plain cursing of every'g aft that.
well, elephant is seriously so i-got-nth'g-to-say. HAH
that's e joke of the day & it wiped our appetite. wna slim down? look at elephants in the zoo! :D
leaving that all aside. on a good note, at least dumb ggt & fun crs is over ((:
oh damn. cant hols jus arrive quick?? countdown: 7 days to the 3wks freedom.
tmr will b proj-ing day again at xuweiming's condo-lookalike hse. freaking far.
but it's actually so fun doing proj w/ those pple. we spend times gossiping laughing all those && rushrush in e end.
GOGOGO grpmates!!
dearest sili invited me & RQ to her CIBTC POP! e following sat aft next, if im not wrong. looking forward to it. i hadn't seen her for ages ((:
MANDY will be back in singapore in 6 days' time. that's fast!! i wondered what's e surprise she's talking 'bout.
xmas' rnd da corner. im in hols mood! i wan shopping k-ing fun& more fun :D
cheers for HOLIDAYS! party on babes~
a dream?
tired from the bombardment of projs. it's past midnight when i finally get every'g off my head and go to bed. yet i just couldn't fall asleep. there's this constant noise that im hearing- quarellings of two, drilling from renovation, etc.
those sounds wont go off until i shifted myself. but im simply too fatigued from everything ive done in the day that im too lazy to move.
&& these buzzing sounds continues until i finally dozed off... ...
the following morning, i woke up to find myself thinking if that's a dream or it really happened?
Happy birthday sf
1). HAPPY BIRTHDAY Chian Siew Fong!! offically said byebye to her teens & now stepping into another phase of life ((:
2). i finally cut my hair but it doesn't seems to haf much difference cos many din notice. but i like my new hairstyle! hairdresser from stormz by monsoon is so friendly :D
3). thur nite was plain rushing for dumb idea proj at rz'se hse. without fail, we managed to gek our pdt+presentation slides. && it's fun slacking over at her hse. watch tv, crap, laugh,
4). aftermath of rushing proj & sleeping late: bad headache. crs discussion cafe stretch till lunch hrs. i slept thru' FA presentations. &&& dumb idea presentation is like woah, finally over. we got shot xD
5). and now, rushing like i-duno-wad for ggt report to prepare for tmr's meeting. gg xuweiming's house to turn it upside down :D
every'g every'o is just so stressed
FRIENDS. what are they for?
jus some stuffs that makes me ponder..
one can claimed to be your friend, but do they truely meant it? a once, best friend you called, may become stranger to you few years down the road.
where were those promises made? those memories they used to share?
one can change, drastically or so be it. does it mean that making new friends = forgetting your lovely old pals? jus like when one abandon old stuffs/clothes when more pretty &attractive ones are purchased.
undesirable factors that led to these changes, so unpredictable. we used to say friends forever. but nothing is forever. it's hard to maintain a stable relationship with your friends. esp when new ones step into your life & your social circle widens. however, in any way, should/can that be an excuse?
when smth happens between two, no third party should b involved. it'll only make things worst. nasty comments shoot, little hearts hurt, eyes running out of tears. if things gna end this way, why make great efforts to sustain the 'forever' friendship in the first place?
sad events just chose to occur..
how many of your true friends out there are those you can count on?
monday blues
rush rushing rushed twoseven 11.
went jogging in e morning, resulting me to b late for sch. thus i sped to e train station to see that i missed the train!
&& next i rushed from fc4 aft brunch in search for e dumb main lib w/ my twinny-look-alike. (yeah, e dumbie me doesn't noe e way well) den from e main lib i huff & puff+walked in an aunty speed for ggt lect. i was late anws :P
retail therapy at marina sq aft that. !!cheers cos i finally got my sash &belt ((: but my wishlist is like still damn long uh.
caught the last slot oftheday for HAPPY FEET :D
baby mumble! yeah, e plot was soso but penguins are sucha major cuties in e show.
ugh, results for mst are like so sucky. hell will be, on thur for my poor ggt.
plus all e projs which are driving every'o maddd. idea & FA are getting nowhere. OM & ggt are getting somewhere i hope. soon it'll b over :D
trained back with wanlian w/ us is fun. we gossiped 'bout everything every'o under e sun that time passes so fast. HAH woman's nature ((:
yoghurt ice-cream is yummy yumyum :D
day in sch was awful w/ the terrible mischievous tummy. even until now, goshhh.
tight schedule ahead. told you(whosoeva), sch sucks.
HUAs are the best, WEIs are the evils. (by sihua) :D
joy of da clique, seeruizuan aka piggy is down w/ chickypox. so der's lesser of those HA-HA laughters these days. she'll damn misses us in m'sia ((:
blogging is getting boring. im losing my interest for it, && e mundane lifestyle im leading currently produce NO juicy stuffs for me to post. sch is sucky. lessons are sucky. tutorials are sucky. projects are the suckiest.
wkends are better. holidayyyy is the BEST!
tummy upset is ugh, horrigibleee.
i so loveee e lyrics of this song that im constantly listening it, repeatedly. ((:

this is the uber cute guy from e hk drama (A Grow with Love). HAHA :D
totally charming, esp in e show thou' he isn't the lead actor. great build, nice features, 1.85m, model. WOOHOOOO~ *sparkling eyes*twling twling*
managed to finish sonria pasta a wk ago (when im actually supposed to prepare for mst). thumbs up! thou' it has a typical plot whr gal hates guy (& vv), hatred became love, met obstacles, overcome the barriers and dangdangdang.. they became a loving couple. & parts of it are so unrealistic. BUT, somehow im jus so engrossed w/ e drama. few scenes are touching, esp e part nearing e end. how one wished to b in e show, where miracles do happen & the ending is always soso sweet.
* zhi yao xiao yi xiao, mei she mer shi qing guo bu liao *
&& now, full house. yeah, this serial was the "in" thing longlong ago. but im only watching it NOW. haha. what's so great bout rain? (haha, mavis gna kill me!) his dresscode is like so damn gay in the show. ugh, shall not comment any further. he's got lostaaaa weird fans. i guess the show's quite nice??
time to start cracking for OM, GGT, IDEA, FA projectsss!
save me. kill me. bless me.
aftermath of mst: hibernation from 2130 to 0900. :D
finally, my virgin trip to viVO! as everyone has commented, it's simply hugehugeHUGE w/ superb scenery. marina sq is already a problem for e senseless-direction me. what's more bout viVO??
everyone's melting under e fiery sun. wooofff pooff. board the Doulous, a book fair held on board e ship. nth'g much der thou'.
hmmm, window-shopping lunched moved w/ e crowd. && spent a great deal of time in...... TOY"R"US !! haha, it's fun. i rather b a kid man. wad luxurious & comfortable emperor's life they're living in! okays, anyone can buy me a globe costing like over 200 bucks w/ multi-functions? it's not a toy. an educational tool which can hopefully improve my ggt(geography of global tourism). this shall be another item on my wishlist. kind souls reading this can surprise me as a xmas gift ;D
more retail therapy. more K-ing sessions. more movies. plssss
To all-who-know-Mandy: e well-missed-by-everyone-her is gna b back to singapore on e 14th dec! lookkk forward to seeing this great new zealander BABE!
ggt mst
fave song oftheday:: qinqin by fish leong
im soooooooo deadddddddddddddd for goddamn freaking ggt.
world map.
wooofff, leaving that aside. aft mst wk will be rushrushrush for om, ggt, idea, fa proj.
TANGSSS birthday!
this post is dedicated to the beloved TANGSSS
gal: ten eleven
xuan: twelve eleven
seventeen years of life yet none were like two-oo-six, where we spent the special moments with them!
we played, we ate, we laughed, we fought, we slept, we chaleted, we bbqed, we swam, we cried, we crapped, we Ked, we pooled, we shopped, we had JOY, we had FUN, TOGETHER under the sun.
BY: she has a nice personality. it's rare to see her throwing tantrums. thus, she is always bullied by e willful bro of hers. she's dilligent & hardworking, with great self-control/discipline. she does things at her own pace carefully. she handles things with care, so no worries when u lend her smth! she eatsss like a snail w/ etiquette. one thing, she can take damn long to choose & decide when purchasing smth, HAHA. she is officially nineteen! (beware, ure no longer a TEEN in one years' time!!)
CX: he has great sense of humour & provides entertainment for everyone else. so with his presence, there're bound to be laughters! he likes curry and he hates chocolate. he's so into soccer that i think he plays almost every week (& is quite pro at it). well, he can actually sing plus rap abit (but don get too arrogant that i praised u!). eat more confidence pill to prepare for the next project superstar! he's he's he's... ... let's skipped those -ve comments since today he is the BIGGEST! an officially seventeen macho(to-be) man! (so, pls act like one :D)
beautiful memories ((:

anws, had a/an belated & advanced celebration for them two. sang sang sang~ at KBOX tpy b4 heading for my virgin trial for pool at luckyplaza (okays, im a sua-gu who noe nuts 'bout pool). but considering that im a beginner, i did quite well. && to think that i actually won all 3 games ive played. (hahas, an inside joke)
all in all, i had a fun day out ((:
**Happy Birthday**
*1) Shuqi
*2) RQ
*3) Ariel
*4) Ray
*5) Siewfong
*6) Ruizuan
*7) Mavis
*8) Ivan
*9) Valerie
*10) Minkai
*11) Weida
*12) Weiming
*13) Sukie
How did you meet 10?
Lower sec classmates, NPCC squadmate!
What will you do if you never met 1?
haha, i'll suffer severe constipation. (don bash me up aft u read this!)
Have you seen 4 cried?
yeppp, part & parcel of life. Memories forever engraved in our hearts.
Do you think 10 is cute?
He likes to act cute? haha, that's for his dearie to decide if he's cute ((:
How did you get to know 8?
Sadly, we were in the same class the whole of my secondary sch life. & now, in same poly too.
Would you ever go on a a date with 12?
Why not? i prepare a knife first before he starts saying 'sorry chew flower'.
What's 7 favourite colour?
Ermm, good question. i shall consult her. i guess she has no preference.
What will you do if 6 express his/her love for you?
I will tell her I LOVE HER TOO! we already openly declared our love for each other. heeee. But, i think she prefers curryyyyy*
Who is 4 going out with?
ME!! :D (our date on sat, u better turn up)
Who is 5 to you?
One of the kaoweidable mates who enjoys looking at greengreen, & influenced us w/ all those vulgarities!
Would you ever live with 13?
Maybe. Thou' ive known her for quite some time, nv tried staying under same roof w/ her. except on board e same cruise. haha
Is 2 single?
NO! she's mine. whahahahhahahahahahah~
What do you think about 3?
She's as lovely as me. She's shorter den me. She's love pests since she's attached to xiao qiang!
What's the best about 8?
What do you think you like about 11?
He's not very tall (haha). He's nice, fun, crappy & wadevaaa.
Fav memory with 6?
On board cruise, redang, in sch. Moments w/ her are always fun. She's our entertainer.
*1) Ariel
*2) RQ
*3) Valerie
*4) Shuqi
*5) Ray
*6) Minkai
What will you do if 6 express his/her love for you?
- She鈥檚 me when I was younger (if you all happen to see my passport- the younger me). And since young, I鈥檝e always been expressing my love for the future me. I'm used to all these. So I'll do nothing.
Fav memory with 6?
- At the garden, chewing flowers together with Chew Hua.
The reason why i named him SHHH weiming.
if only
i wonder if the problem lies with my internet connection (ugh, thou' i tapped others' wireless) or just too many pple are serving bb.
oh, c'mon all.
it's only tuesday. don rush to finish those abhorrent elearning assignments.
there is PLENTY of time in da world
if only i inherit some dilligent+intelligent genes
if only there's no exams/tests
if only all teachers are dumb
if only i were to lose some weight
if only i were to eat less (more healthy stuffs)
if only i were to exercise every day
if only i were to grow taller
if only i have flawless skin
if only money drops from the skies
if only i have all the time in the world
if only i can shop like nobody's business
if only i can sing like everyone's deaf
if only i can b treated like a princess
my life will be perfect.
shoulda woulda coulda
east coast
it's pouring like der's no tmr outside now.
and here i am, alone, enclosed by the four walls.
facing the monitor, refusing to get anythin' done.
how i wish. how i wish. how i wish.
elearning offically commenced, and mst's a week from now.
yet my brain's still not adjusted to mugging mode.
tons of online assignments and lect notes awaiting me!
jogging, youtubing, indulging, hibernating.
delifrance buffet for bf w/ familyyy & trained to !!EastCoastPark
aft much renovation &upgrading (still in progress), i think east coast's quite a nice hangout.
picsss shall do all the talking!
A picture speaks a thousand words. Therefore, many pics speak a million words. xD
breakfast breakfast! YUMMM
look-alikes threesome
reflection within reflections
my lovable babes
HAHAHA!! e most obscene scene captured!
ecp mac
that's wad i wna try one day
dang dang dang!
best gay portrait of the year :D
our unglamness: idiotic looks
pinky dino!
yummilicious (parkway parade steamboat)
(more interesting picsss to come!)
The rule: If one card has a vowel on one side, then it has an even number on the other side.
visualise the 4 cards:
card 1: A
card 2: B
card 3: 4
card 4: 7
The question: Which card(s) must be flipped over in order to verify that the rule is true for these four cards? Why?
crack ya heads && start thinking CRITICALLY!
ggt+ poly
How well do you know about Singapore, landmarks in particular?
i don't.
almost died laughing during ggt, due the innocent minds of ours. HAHA
i admit i din noe padang's near suntec, nor do i know that current changi airport's e 3rd one. [first in kallang, nx to paya lebar]
raffles. stamford raffles. SIR stamford raffles.
ronald suggested a class outing to cityhall this wkend! we seriously should explore ard SINGAPORE. it's gna b a bigbig joke if a tourism student don even noe sg well.
another rhetorical qn: How shld a poly life b like?
getting off e bed when dawn hasn't even break, hopping on to a train when sun rises & then home sweet home when sun's setting (or even when night has arrived).
that is how life has been this week. i spent most of my precious time in sch & leftovers (which is obviously insufficient) are beauty slp+lalaland.
mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. mushroom head. <3
one blink and it's wk 6 of sem2.
this week pth(tmr) & idea(fri) presentations
next week[wk7] elearning
wk8 mst
wk 12 ggt & om presentations
then, 3wks hols b4 start of term4 (which only gna last 3or 4 wks!)
suck sucky suckiest exams follow
&&& end of yearONE ((:
im already think'g soo farrr.
im much lookinggg forward to tmr can! meet'g e gals for dinner <33
BUT yet not so
be'cos of the
mr d.anonymous's flatten hair. my mushroom head xD
vvooommmm to preparations for presentation (hope every'g goes smoothly).
my eyelids felt like tons, dreading to wake up. even immuned to e continunous snoozing of alarm.
yet be'cos of some loathsome projwork- i forced myself awake. what a torture heh?
i find myself sucha loyal &dilligent blogger- making an effort to make an entry daily. && i think it's dumb to blog daily routine. the mundane lifestyle plus every day crappps.
class outing cum shopping at raffles warehse sale. a memorable one
whole lot of sarcasm, pardon me.
off to pth battle; gambatte!!
im so craving for chocolate-nut scone.
bring me one, will someone?
latest updates:
darlinnnggs outing postponed to nx wk. tue or thurs.
waiting for further confirmations ((:
im so looking forward to see 'em can!!
pth proj in-progress. hopefully to work against any/all odds by saturday.
soooooo that !!sunday will b a date. viVOcityyy
somehows somewhat anws anyhows,
im juzzzz feeling happy now :D
sf & mavis over at my hse. supposedly to rush pth proj
but as usual, we're jus idling ard b4 we left for adm to grab a bite.
we never failed to chiong-proj-at-last-min.
and der's results, okays. HAHA
right now, im multi-tasking. blogging & proj-ing :D
it's like centuries back since i mentioned i gna haf a haircut.
&& my hair dyed soon. ((:
awww, my immune system has fought a losing battle against e flu virus.
how well. im finally sick.
dinner w/ darlinns on thur- yusi gel RQ. +jojo?
&& stop working ms !!bronggggggg. when can we eva meet up luh??
on my list, movies-to-catch:
justify for the abrupt change in your attitude, unexpectedly.
camwhoring session
centuries back.
mai dang dang(mac) w/ mummy jie benben + neighbours + natasha!
OM tut became cam-whoring+chit-chat session. HAHA
e tutor is seriously damn hilarious, alongside wl the laugh-like-mad woman. & e 2hr lesson turns out fun thou' draggy.

i so love this piccc! <3
ROB-B-HOOD 's a niceee one.
again, we made a fool out of ourselves at bizIT lib tat day. i BET tat greengreen recognises us.
godBLESS shuqiiiiiiiiiii!!
Black Hawk Down durin' gems almost made me switch to hybernating mode.
ooishh, my juniors are all taller den me )):
&& jus to humilate myself further, my feets are hardly flat on e ground when im seated in a train.
why cant i inherit any tall genes?
wedding ring
&&& end of sch.
spss is seriously getting on my nerves.
freaking sukie & ivanlim scored 95 and 94 respectively.
duhhhh~ bless me tmr.
(and i realised chew hua same group as me in SAIL.. aiyo.. thought onli my eng KNS, her also sia.. haha)
from ivanlzy bloggie. !!!SADDED
jus some sentimental thoughts.
my beloved mummy lost her wedding ring 2 days back and how frantic/worried she was man.
"Perhaps it slipped off while doing those laundry? or mayb in e wardrobe?" sensing her uneasiness REPEATEDLY.
& i bet she din sleep well that night. overheard my father assuring her that it must b lying somewhere at home.
witnessing my mum's concerned look, i knew she treasured this marriage lots. thou' my parents used to haf disputes, be it major or minor, i guessed they're still as loving ((:
they'd engaged in serious arguments &conflicts b4 that left unhappy memories even in me. but soon it'll b sunshine aft the rain
& it's sometimes so funny and cute to see e way they teased at each other :D
having quarrels are part &parcel of a marriage(r/s). but it's sometimes due to lack of communication and understanding.
luckily e precious wedd ring was found e following day ((:
i loveee my familyy <3
lunched at hollandV with sukie during 2hr break. aft which, returned to sch for PTH lect.
and my clique suddenly had e urge of gg hollandV to kill time b4 e golf mgt talk. so i bused 106 4x in total. all we can do there was to eat (darnit, i spent over 10 bucks on !!FOOD)
You, Me & Dupree was quite hilarious.
obviously, der's smth
anws, ive stm so i cant recall e things that happened subsequently. IDEA presentation was finally over yays.
& it's seriously a nono to horror movies for me. we threesome practically covered our eyes thru'out DARK WATER during gems. haha
sizzler again. hardly had e chance for we 3-look-alikes to havoc tgt.
and they did smth so awfully obnoxious luhh. HAH, so fun.
muscles ache is bound to set in tmr. no sch please?
badminton's fault.
but e feeling of sweating n exercising's great. feels slimmer?? LOLS