sometimes, i tried to hold back.
If you'd realised, i blogged at some unearthly hours these days. It has been a routine that project discussion calls off at around 11.20pm these days.
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
haven slp
❤ qiuhua says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
❤ qiuhua says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
❤ qiuhua says:
even others seen it.
i encountered something today which i thought it was quite interesting. people actually don't bother to notice their surroundings when it became a routine, taking the ride in the lift for example.
There's this MLR family taking the lift down to the ground level but it stopped at my level since i called for the elevator. And they happily walked out without realising that they havent reached the ground level! I was staring at them and then holding on to the lift, waiting for them to turn back. The hilarious part is the blur look on their faces.
This isn't the first time actually. luckily im living in the lower levels, so it is unlikely for that to happen on me. Perhaps i should start taking the stairs haha!
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
haven slp
❤ qiuhua says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
❤ qiuhua says:
-[Argh! Fcuk!]- says:
❤ qiuhua says:
even others seen it.
i encountered something today which i thought it was quite interesting. people actually don't bother to notice their surroundings when it became a routine, taking the ride in the lift for example.
There's this MLR family taking the lift down to the ground level but it stopped at my level since i called for the elevator. And they happily walked out without realising that they havent reached the ground level! I was staring at them and then holding on to the lift, waiting for them to turn back. The hilarious part is the blur look on their faces.
This isn't the first time actually. luckily im living in the lower levels, so it is unlikely for that to happen on me. Perhaps i should start taking the stairs haha!
Hello sugarboy <3
when things go the way u've always dreamt
I am counting down to the 3rd of August, where dreadful things will come to an end and we'll have a mini break (not much of) before the exams. Seriously, ive already been planning my to-do and where-to-chill-out lists. YAY:)
It was a tight week previously, but a gang of us decided to heed d.s's advice learning to relax. So we went out immediately after the meeting on monday. Sumptuous dinner at crystal jade and heart-out talk under the bridge near esplanade was cool. Like what singying said, "Finally a day where we return home late not because of projects!". And because this session was so enjoyable, everyone is looking forward to another of this. It was also twin's bdae but we haven't had any chance to celebrate for her yet. next week next week, we'll go out for some feast babes=)
tuesday was twin's convocation which i think the most touched person is none other than the self proclaimed 陈美女. wad an experience of feeding the mosquitoes of NTU, but at least i'd some proper reasons to miss lessons uh huh! Nonetheless, im glad my twin achieved some proud results. If only i have half of her smartness in accountings man
mice career came to an end after the presentation on wed woohooo. But we dont even have a chance to catch some breath & headed to nlb for tbr proj. Oh, it was simin's bdae and she's a damn lucky girl on earth to have C there! C is super duper ohmygoodness cute hehe=) like typical girls who are dumbfounded by hawttt hunks!
submission of gems & rwps report on fri so it was 2 items off the load. Friday was loveeeee<3<3 and the accumulated tiredness got its remedy right after i returned home. It feels good to wake up naturally and when all the world is up. we managed to catch a glimpse of the fireworks at wm's place. freaking awesome! fireworks here i come(:
the last thing i wanna do is tbr project.
time to hit my bed and hide under my blankets=)=)=)
It was a tight week previously, but a gang of us decided to heed d.s's advice learning to relax. So we went out immediately after the meeting on monday. Sumptuous dinner at crystal jade and heart-out talk under the bridge near esplanade was cool. Like what singying said, "Finally a day where we return home late not because of projects!". And because this session was so enjoyable, everyone is looking forward to another of this. It was also twin's bdae but we haven't had any chance to celebrate for her yet. next week next week, we'll go out for some feast babes=)
tuesday was twin's convocation which i think the most touched person is none other than the self proclaimed 陈美女. wad an experience of feeding the mosquitoes of NTU, but at least i'd some proper reasons to miss lessons uh huh! Nonetheless, im glad my twin achieved some proud results. If only i have half of her smartness in accountings man
mice career came to an end after the presentation on wed woohooo. But we dont even have a chance to catch some breath & headed to nlb for tbr proj. Oh, it was simin's bdae and she's a damn lucky girl on earth to have C there! C is super duper ohmygoodness cute hehe=) like typical girls who are dumbfounded by hawttt hunks!
submission of gems & rwps report on fri so it was 2 items off the load. Friday was loveeeee<3<3 and the accumulated tiredness got its remedy right after i returned home. It feels good to wake up naturally and when all the world is up. we managed to catch a glimpse of the fireworks at wm's place. freaking awesome! fireworks here i come(:
the last thing i wanna do is tbr project.
time to hit my bed and hide under my blankets=)=)=)

everything smells of you, smells of love.
unexpectedly, we were quite productive today. tbr proj discussion went on smooth & ah zui ah see ah kiu went kentucky for munch. climax is where some sickening soul whom i used to adore kissed his gf right in front of my eyes. How does it feel mannnnnnn?? like imagine redred kissing her gf in front of u sf, imagine no4 kissing her gf in front of u sq, imagine imagine. i cant imagine!
sorry i got too high and was screaming like an insane. following that, i met up the girls for shopping for twin's prezzie but a fruitless trip (in that sense).
next two weeks are somewhat the final laps. it will be over soon=)
WOOOOOO (:(:(:(:
sorry i got too high and was screaming like an insane. following that, i met up the girls for shopping for twin's prezzie but a fruitless trip (in that sense).
next two weeks are somewhat the final laps. it will be over soon=)
WOOOOOO (:(:(:(:
when it finally came, i feel lost
We come to love not by finding a perfect person but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.
My heart could no longer handles these.
This is supposed to feel good, but i feel trapped.
Wont the truth just come by?
i need a break, a long vacation to bora bora may helps.
My heart could no longer handles these.
This is supposed to feel good, but i feel trapped.
Wont the truth just come by?
i need a break, a long vacation to bora bora may helps.
sometimes you wonder which is the truth
i am finally back home today before the sky turns dark & able to enjoy the family warmth with home-cooked dishes. i know i sounded like so exaggerating but projs are still gonna haunt us for the next few weeks too. Following that will be the semestral exams. August 24th woohooo=)
school became surprising enjoyable today aft the talk during lunch break. i shall not mention anything for you-know-the-duno-who might be busybody to read this & gets traumatised by how sicko we students can be. i still cannot believe the fact that this fact is a fact. hahaha
i think it's true that everyone is unhappy with the workload we are having now, but nothing will be changed in short term wise. So why not look on the bright side & add in some entertainment like gossiping during projs discussions?
Nevertheless, i still hope proj dont exist (or at least at some scary quantity) so that i can meet up people who wants to date me! Obviously, i cant manage my time well. Eeeee, i dont want to blog about personal stuffs anymore since you know someone who isnt supposed to read this reads it! hahaha!
Off to do my MICE report(:
i am finally back home today before the sky turns dark & able to enjoy the family warmth with home-cooked dishes. i know i sounded like so exaggerating but projs are still gonna haunt us for the next few weeks too. Following that will be the semestral exams. August 24th woohooo=)
school became surprising enjoyable today aft the talk during lunch break. i shall not mention anything for you-know-the-duno-who might be busybody to read this & gets traumatised by how sicko we students can be. i still cannot believe the fact that this fact is a fact. hahaha
i think it's true that everyone is unhappy with the workload we are having now, but nothing will be changed in short term wise. So why not look on the bright side & add in some entertainment like gossiping during projs discussions?
Nevertheless, i still hope proj dont exist (or at least at some scary quantity) so that i can meet up people who wants to date me! Obviously, i cant manage my time well. Eeeee, i dont want to blog about personal stuffs anymore since you know someone who isnt supposed to read this reads it! hahaha!
Off to do my MICE report(:
no matter how i wish to know u deep
i thought i am finally able to enjoy a nice good sleep but my eyes are widely opened staring at the screen right now aft having a mere 3 hours in my candied-land.
i thought i am finally able to enjoy a nice good sleep but my eyes are widely opened staring at the screen right now aft having a mere 3 hours in my candied-land.
deroy thought dtrm only learn things related to casino! like no, we fold napkins too, u see?=)

now we love to dance (ok, only me n ah see actually)
boiling thoughts of love, stucked.
I am finally able to reach home before darkness falls today! Many incidents occurring within such short span of time, which i wont elaborate further. I missed out so much fun recently since we're bombarded with projects.
At least now, we have one off the load. Practical session at the Rosette Restaurant today was an experience for us. Thou things were very last min and zzb invested all our assets, overall it's still enjoyable (minus off those unexpected, like having problems to get a blender in a restaurant!) Better than none, cos we had a feel of the F&B industry. The thought of the 10% still makes me think it's not worth it :(
Someone please find something that hopefully will titillate my fancy for nice indulgence (may the candy helps!:)) Nothing appeals to me, despite having severe hunger & not eating at all the whole day. Sorry zzb if you people got a fright by me yesterday. Long live ZZB! Hahaha
I need sleep now before i finally embark on my gems assignment, rwps evaluation & many many more!
At least now, we have one off the load. Practical session at the Rosette Restaurant today was an experience for us. Thou things were very last min and zzb invested all our assets, overall it's still enjoyable (minus off those unexpected, like having problems to get a blender in a restaurant!) Better than none, cos we had a feel of the F&B industry. The thought of the 10% still makes me think it's not worth it :(
Someone please find something that hopefully will titillate my fancy for nice indulgence (may the candy helps!:)) Nothing appeals to me, despite having severe hunger & not eating at all the whole day. Sorry zzb if you people got a fright by me yesterday. Long live ZZB! Hahaha
I need sleep now before i finally embark on my gems assignment, rwps evaluation & many many more!

It's like a heart sank once again.
If you understand how we feel, if you realise how you react always, you will know why we dislike (you) to return to ur hometown. definitely not being unfilial, but the difference in the way of life & method of dealing with things.
If you see how you behave just now, if you realise how unhappy all of us were, you will know why we always find a thousand excuses not to return there. definitely not being unfilial, but the way they treat u in return of ur kindness & un-stand-able(if there's such word) behaviour of urs/them all.
despite knowing the fact that things wont change, i need a space to let the rotten all out. I desperately need a hall of fresh air. Im afraid i could no longer take any further, of everything. Right now, i dont even haf time for myself. I am sick of everything. Wont it be nice if u have a real good sleep, waking up to fine all worries gone. Gone for the good.
I feel much better aft chatting with ah see & ah shui. It is just usual crappings & the thought of sq's bailey dance will make me laugh like mad. Projects are always that tortureous but the fun is with the people. =)
Photos on the way next time. Loads of them=)
simple stuffs is enough to salvage my night.(:(:
If only things you said were from the bottom of your heart, mine wont capsized like no wonder works.
If you see how you behave just now, if you realise how unhappy all of us were, you will know why we always find a thousand excuses not to return there. definitely not being unfilial, but the way they treat u in return of ur kindness & un-stand-able(if there's such word) behaviour of urs/them all.
despite knowing the fact that things wont change, i need a space to let the rotten all out. I desperately need a hall of fresh air. Im afraid i could no longer take any further, of everything. Right now, i dont even haf time for myself. I am sick of everything. Wont it be nice if u have a real good sleep, waking up to fine all worries gone. Gone for the good.
I feel much better aft chatting with ah see & ah shui. It is just usual crappings & the thought of sq's bailey dance will make me laugh like mad. Projects are always that tortureous but the fun is with the people. =)
Photos on the way next time. Loads of them=)
simple stuffs is enough to salvage my night.(:(:
If only things you said were from the bottom of your heart, mine wont capsized like no wonder works.
so much so, i rather be buried under the truth.
vaguely, i heard some noise beside my ear. i tried to lift up my heavy eyelids to realise it was the continuous snoozing of my alarm clock. i pulled myself off the bed & unwillingly dragged my feet to the bathroom. be sickened by this feeling, esp these few days where lessons are from 8, after which follows the SHATEC trip.
name any reasons that motivate me to attend classes- none.
projs piling up is extremely sickening- Mice, rwps, gems, ihro*2, gems. To think that there is so much to do for both ihro projs, each constitute 10%. better weightage allocation please, a non-examinable module will be best.
the other day, we were discussing if we'll proceed on to uni aft getting a diploma. Then i realised i didn't know what i want in life. ive no idea where im heading despite the fact tht im graduating in 1.5 years time. Yes, i hope to get into uni but it's easier said than done. What about my sucky results? What about money that wont drop from the sky? I told them i want to hook a rich bf b4 i graduate, haha (ok hook doesnt sounds pleasant).
at least for a short-term wise, i want to escape from workloads. i am very looking forward to the sem break. i told my mum i'll bring them for a holiday(not exactly tt i pay :D). im just dying to travel, dying to see the world.
name any reasons that motivate me to attend classes- none.
projs piling up is extremely sickening- Mice, rwps, gems, ihro*2, gems. To think that there is so much to do for both ihro projs, each constitute 10%. better weightage allocation please, a non-examinable module will be best.
the other day, we were discussing if we'll proceed on to uni aft getting a diploma. Then i realised i didn't know what i want in life. ive no idea where im heading despite the fact tht im graduating in 1.5 years time. Yes, i hope to get into uni but it's easier said than done. What about my sucky results? What about money that wont drop from the sky? I told them i want to hook a rich bf b4 i graduate, haha (ok hook doesnt sounds pleasant).
at least for a short-term wise, i want to escape from workloads. i am very looking forward to the sem break. i told my mum i'll bring them for a holiday(not exactly tt i pay :D). im just dying to travel, dying to see the world.
give it a halt for i'll melt anytime.

& oh, dec 1st is a familiar date isnt't? someone's turning 21. oh man. =)=)=)
liaise with love, hung up above.
Ariel is enjoying her time at Bintan currently. Apple is heading to Penang tmr morning for work training (but still travelling). Only poor BoBo & ChaCha are tied down by their duties. That makes it even harder for them to concentrate fully with what's over their shoulders.
Wait till everyone has got time off their busy schedule & we shall head down for some chill-out session. Girls outings like these are always double loves.
With that arcade bball game craze from bai fen bai, buddy & i visited these machines to haf a feel of the excitement. A drink over at coffeebean earlier, catch up & gossip like women do. When the night falls, the street grew silent, the place seems lonely.
It is a down period. Everyone seems to be bothered by the same problem.
Wait till everyone has got time off their busy schedule & we shall head down for some chill-out session. Girls outings like these are always double loves.
With that arcade bball game craze from bai fen bai, buddy & i visited these machines to haf a feel of the excitement. A drink over at coffeebean earlier, catch up & gossip like women do. When the night falls, the street grew silent, the place seems lonely.
It is a down period. Everyone seems to be bothered by the same problem.
Wear my mask in silence, pretending im alright.
If u could see then u would be, here standing by my side.
It may be hard along the way,
It's this feeling i get when blue skies turn to grey.
Feels like im walking in the rain
I find myself trying to wash away the pain
Cos i need u to give me some shelter
Cos im fading away
& Baby, im walking in the rain
If u could see then u would be, here standing by my side.
It may be hard along the way,
It's this feeling i get when blue skies turn to grey.
Feels like im walking in the rain
I find myself trying to wash away the pain
Cos i need u to give me some shelter
Cos im fading away
& Baby, im walking in the rain
when i thought it all over, i let it flow a river. But it's all back & i couldn't really tack.
millions of words unspoken, the truth is yet to unveil.
a tinge of regret, a moment to rejoice.
it was buried deep down, you have it dug up.
tears that fear, hears me dear.
round and round, down down down.
no more wild thoughts, let things come to a halt.
it was buried deep down, you have it dug up.
tears that fear, hears me dear.
round and round, down down down.
no more wild thoughts, let things come to a halt.

2 pretties, 1 gorgeous with similar pretty gorgeous bagggs
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