This is what the Friendster Horoscope advises:
"Avoid the distractions of other people's dramas. Keep your eyes on your own paper. Things that normally bug you will drift right by without you noticing. You are entering a very enriching period of reflection in your life, and this is distracting you from seeing much of the peripheral world. Your attention will be diverted throughout the day, so important meetings that require full concentration may not be a good idea. Don't make any commitments right now. You can't fully see the ramifications of what you might be agreeing to."
04 October 2007. Thursday. 5pm
Thursday is Tutorials Day. Dreadful UCCD tutorial ended with the card games which i think the rationale behind it was quite interesting. & then, those paraphrasing by Mila. Finally, off to Clarke Quay!
2x45ml of tequila (plus 19.99 Nachos):

(More updates on the details with pictures.)