It's always when exams are round the corner that I feel the stress, and I hate it totally. My self-discipline was eaten up as years go by, and I could no longer mug diligently like I used to. I am wayyyyyy lagging behind, that is despite drawing up such a pretty schedule. ROARS! Every once I think of the endless knowledge to be stored inside my mind, there's nothing but shivers & fears. Days of nothing-but-notes will continue for the rest of the entire week.
On a positive note, I won't spent a single cent since I am surviving on salads & bread. Eh no, I just went down to the minimart to replenish my rations and spending a measly few bucks can cause me such heartache. Blame it on the splurging. Excessive splurging. & this reminds me that sis' returning tmr night.. can't wait to see her loots from HK!
Good Luck! I'm spending my night with ASM and IMIT.. savouring the power of every word under the moonlight. How romantic! :X

That was enough to put on a silly smile on my face for quite a while.
Thank You :)
说真的, 我其实很不喜欢现在的自己. 很多時候所追究的事与物根本背于心底所许, 反而是受周围环境和社会不断的影响. 一直努力奋斗, 熬过一次又一次, 口中说是为了设下来的目标而坚持, 但始終是因想超越他人的存在, 当那万人之中耀眼的星. 就连停下脚步想想是否走对了方向, 都怕就此浪费时间赶不上所有人繁忙的步伐. 我很多時候的确是顾虑他人會怎么看我, 才做莫些事. 久而久之, 我的思想已模糊.. 不清楚自己想要的是什么了.
我讨厌成长, 它让我失去我曾有过的笑容. 简简单单的事足以让我快乐, 知与不知都笑着过. 這灿烂而发制内心的笑慢慢消失. 现在的笑变成了种应酬, 一个面对外界必备的面具. 思想成熟后, 烦恼也自然增加, 更是把每件事情复查化, 想了又想. 是, 大家都好怀念旧時光.
有時后简单反而更快乐. 住在乡下的朋友真幸福, 无忧无虑的日子, 绿油油的草, 蓝蓝无边际的天空, 很真诚的心. 我好想念.. 想念那段短暂的日子. 或许是雨天的关系, 让我有所感触吧.
越是单纯的人, 才懂得什么是幸福
如有选择的话, 我希望回到过去... 你呢? 但愿如此囉 :)
说了這么多, 还是回到了原点.
Minimal energy level yet my mind can't seem to shut totally and I am feeling super bloated and uncomfortable. There are so many things left undone, so many serials waiting for me to watch, so many GSS calling, and dreadfully, so many notes to flip through. Work was better this time round, with lesser BGL crowds so that I could have more of my 10-seconds fresh air. I swear I saw someone of your resemblance, so much so much alike. Perhaps brighter, smarter, cooler, taller and perfectly pretty eyes:) and damn eh, GJH doesn't allow us to work for PC Show. MY MONEY!!
!can't wait to do smth to my hair
!can't wait for shopping sprees
!can't wait for Night Safari
but i don't wish to move on, because somehow, the route ahead isn't as promising..
my dream is never to grow up:)
uh-oh. I meant to edit my previous post and add on updates but apparently, it's gone.
I've mentally gone thru wad I am gonna update, & even jotted down notes inside my mobile but apparently, there comes a sudden urge to go back to my serials:)
SCREAMS! BKK/TW??? (Mavis says Dubai, cos she's eager to see e constructing of world's tallest and largest whatsoever, more imptly, srz's BGL!)