Get back to where we started from, or rather where things never started.
It has always to be when silence crept into the four walls, the faded memories recognises the good times. Rewind to the very primitive of strangers stealing glances over card games, the silly flurry over the debut of white angel, the abrupt dispassion for uncharted reasons. Then comes an item happily in love embrace, marking an end to moments of pretendence. Everything was seemingly good 6 feet below. Too prefect to be true, love scatters and hopped on the wrong track. Typical to be taken aback, but fell into the trap anyway right away. It was way too much like a heaven that is off one's reach. The spell of one trip proved them all. Nothing's gonna work out fine, the feeling wasn't right. Codes turned meaningless and obsolete just in a blink. All left now was a distant 2-word text, the lonely avenue that once led to heaven's door, a familiar shadow dissolving into the corner of a road and unbearable days with shunning glances. Flashback like these are sealed in there, to lead me back. Of cos, in the end it's actions not words that truly matter. Grant me my wish, Santa. I am not asking for much, am I?
Merry X'mas to you
the shortest yet the sweetest
Dear Diary, I am Little Miss Happy!
My short enthusiasm and energy span has deterred me to continue with those episodes I've laid down previously. So basically, I'd quite massive shopping trips ever since the self-declared break on friday. Saturday there was this SHOW YOUR DANCE dance competition going on @ MS in the honour presence of Mr S. It's quite a pity not to be there to witness the live performances (Miss T & I hiked the shops of MS to catch the many ongoing great sales=) since we can get no good view) because I thought the winning team was good. W.A.Z. or smth, got the power eh. That definitely triggered my hidden yearning to learn hip-hop! Yes, & I am going to take up this new challenge real soon. Sense my excitement woohooo:)
Monday there was a change of plan to ECP with Miss W. Pulau Ubin has been postponed to the 2 months vacation. There was a series of unforeseen circumstances (hahahh!) and we cycled 1/6 of the cash we paid. Nevertheless, it was still nice company & good time. I find myself doing relatively good, bracing up to be at the place once worth a fraction of the memories. No matter, still masked. We went Prints afterwards & saw Mr J working. I regretted not buying Donut Factory then cos I feel like so now. Slurps!
For the next couple of days, I forced myself to stay home. My theory Q (& has been proven) is that going out= casting away money. My expenditure is frightening. I realised I haf brand new apparels hung in my wardrobe and I am constantly adding to its collection. FYI, my wardrobe is at the verge of exploding. HAHAHA time for new wardrobe! Miss Ariel H, there's one at Ikea @ $55 only which caught my eyes. Get my hint:P
Oh, I played badminton with Miss T too which explains the aches I'm having. Today we finally get cracking on projects but I find it more like a catching-up session=) Threesome left for town & x'mas lightings are pretty! Told ya my theory Q is damn true. The dollar notes escaped one by one out of my lovely Guess case. Money is exchangeable for happiness in this case. Company was best also because for no reason, we were so high that even PJ whom we coincidentally met realised.
It's wee hours alr. The last time I stayed up so late was for rushing of GOM. I am supposed to hit the bank tmr morning to settle the Go Card, Capital Card and perhaps create a UOB a/c or apply for CitiBank Clear Card. This links back to the issue of the depletion of my savings account. HAHAHA don't ask me out for shopping please. Getting CNY items are exceptions!
& btw, everyone is infected with the flu bug. Mummy's down with heavy flu/cough and i think ah pa caught it too, Miss KKT & Kopi See also. Why not me? I am not sick to want to be sick. I am just wondering if my immune system is really that strong. Theory Q2 states that sick= no appetite= a good chance to lose weight!
Pictography up the next time round:)
The least I'm asking for is a word from you.
but do you know it ain't that easy?
Episode 2
I did mention bout my unkempt hair & how I couldn't stand it. So at last there's time for me to do smth bout it. Thursday after the SQ talk, I hopped on the train to D'Hair Boutique @ Bugis to have my haircut. Vicky is nice and I am going back there again to dye/highlight my hair soon. It's shorter than I expected but nevermind, it'll grow fast. I love bangs but I swipe my fringe to the side. I like the new hairstyle cos it's way better than the disgusting one before.
Yan joined me after work and we were both hungry by then. We bought bread from fourleaves, the XL Korean chicken cutlet thingy, some donut factory-lookalike doughstick- all from basement of Bugis Junction. There's sooooo many mouthwatering vittles there. Soup spoon included!
Shopping makes me happy. GUESS? (ugh, I couldn't resist the sales there were having, & got myself a Guess wallet I don't need. hahaha)
I did mention bout my unkempt hair & how I couldn't stand it. So at last there's time for me to do smth bout it. Thursday after the SQ talk, I hopped on the train to D'Hair Boutique @ Bugis to have my haircut. Vicky is nice and I am going back there again to dye/highlight my hair soon. It's shorter than I expected but nevermind, it'll grow fast. I love bangs but I swipe my fringe to the side. I like the new hairstyle cos it's way better than the disgusting one before.
Yan joined me after work and we were both hungry by then. We bought bread from fourleaves, the XL Korean chicken cutlet thingy, some donut factory-lookalike doughstick- all from basement of Bugis Junction. There's sooooo many mouthwatering vittles there. Soup spoon included!
Shopping makes me happy. GUESS? (ugh, I couldn't resist the sales there were having, & got myself a Guess wallet I don't need. hahaha)

you are in the faraway land, merry merry.
Episode 1
Last tuesday/wednesday was exciting & cool. First, it was a historical moment worth mentioning. The whole of dtrm01 (at least those in my list of contacts) were online at unearthly hour like 3/4am. Well i bet it applied to some others in the cohort too. Everyone was slogging like mad for GOM report due wed, 4pm.
Yes and here comes the second exhilarating moment. At 3.35pm we were still at wm's- printing the report, crazily slotting figures for the budget & finally off in a cab to SB. HAH, i think we made the driver as nervous too. We made it at 3.55pm! Thereafter, i waited for rz's group to finish printing their appendices & join them for munching at fc6. They shared their exciting night at hl's place with the ydr, pj's give me 10 more min, brandon's snore & so on. We laughed till everyone stared at us when we leave and fell dead asleep on the train. I never know sleep can be that heavenly till that night=)

Last tuesday/wednesday was exciting & cool. First, it was a historical moment worth mentioning. The whole of dtrm01 (at least those in my list of contacts) were online at unearthly hour like 3/4am. Well i bet it applied to some others in the cohort too. Everyone was slogging like mad for GOM report due wed, 4pm.
Yes and here comes the second exhilarating moment. At 3.35pm we were still at wm's- printing the report, crazily slotting figures for the budget & finally off in a cab to SB. HAH, i think we made the driver as nervous too. We made it at 3.55pm! Thereafter, i waited for rz's group to finish printing their appendices & join them for munching at fc6. They shared their exciting night at hl's place with the ydr, pj's give me 10 more min, brandon's snore & so on. We laughed till everyone stared at us when we leave and fell dead asleep on the train. I never know sleep can be that heavenly till that night=)
strolling down the memory lane, nothing remains.
1). I never bully my mummy ok? I was just a lil pissed tht she didn't want to buy me fish burger because of Mahjong. A hungry man is an angry man. But she bought it for me anyway :)
2). I shared fan-choi with mummy half past midnight aft I returned from sf's because we were both hungryyy.
3). I camped inside my sis room since she's away cruising happily.
4). I continued the GBE battle aft hibernating for 4hrs or so.
5). I went for grocery shopping with mummy.
6). We had breakfast and I feel like a pig.
7). I saw yanni working & shit, she saw the me that looks 100% auntie carrying many grocery bags.
8). It's always interesting to go to the wet market with mummy once in a while (minus those squeezing & smell of meat/fish)
9). The butcher (oh i hadn't use this word for so long), not very old one, offer me sweet. Mind him, I am EIGHTEEN not 8. Very kind thou' HAHAHA.
10). I found my Vitasoy Chocolate :) at Prime and mummy bought honeydew's to give it a try.
11). I can't wait to snip off my hair, or just do smth about it. It's freaking disgusting.
12). Yeah 2 weeks holidays are arriving. Finally I can meet rq & leejj, go out with cousins & sis, execute our pubbing/clubbing plans, shop despite my tight budget, have a proper good sleep.
13). I just spotted a spider on the desktop monitor. Yucks!
2). I shared fan-choi with mummy half past midnight aft I returned from sf's because we were both hungryyy.
3). I camped inside my sis room since she's away cruising happily.
4). I continued the GBE battle aft hibernating for 4hrs or so.
5). I went for grocery shopping with mummy.
6). We had breakfast and I feel like a pig.
7). I saw yanni working & shit, she saw the me that looks 100% auntie carrying many grocery bags.
8). It's always interesting to go to the wet market with mummy once in a while (minus those squeezing & smell of meat/fish)
9). The butcher (oh i hadn't use this word for so long), not very old one, offer me sweet. Mind him, I am EIGHTEEN not 8. Very kind thou' HAHAHA.
10). I found my Vitasoy Chocolate :) at Prime and mummy bought honeydew's to give it a try.
11). I can't wait to snip off my hair, or just do smth about it. It's freaking disgusting.
12). Yeah 2 weeks holidays are arriving. Finally I can meet rq & leejj, go out with cousins & sis, execute our pubbing/clubbing plans, shop despite my tight budget, have a proper good sleep.
13). I just spotted a spider on the desktop monitor. Yucks!
oseven, that was 1/3 of a year.
We're left with 3 more to go next week, very rushed very packed very stress. Global Business Environment is not my forte, not that other modules are. It's a matter of general knowledge & analyzing which obviously I can't excel. I scratches my head when I looked at those figures and charts, and decided to log in to my abandoned FaceBook. I tried to research but the contents are unable to catch my attention, and decided to work on Casino staffing. In e end I decided to finish the final bit of my book. I just dread doing this. HAHA I will go back to reality after blogging.
There comes a second part. You spoke and said you were true. You left and said you gave your best and that was the last time I hear from you. Soon we know there's a goodbye.
You won't be anywhere. I am over you. I have to remember this. Maybe I'll write it on my hand. (Along the stairway, along the stalls,) your dark eyes meet me I feel all the old hurt rushing back into my chest. (Well, especially when you decided you should hide the glance right away.) Don't react. Closure. New life. (But that wasn't the best kept secret anymore.) Fine, I'm left all alone in the corner.
I love that red shirt of yours.
The other day, they were saying a lifestyle like ours with a busy schedule is also a type of bliss. Like what I read in a book today, It's the way you see things. (oh yar, that's the 2nd hand book my sis bought. It's damn interesting/funny & I'm 1/4 thru it only.) But seriously, deprived of sleep screwed my internal self.
I duno what I want either. Initially at the constant sight of you, I feel uneasy because I pretty much guessed I couldn't handle or would rather fumble. Right down, this chance is gone. The search for you in the sea of crowd turns futile. You are like a complete stranger. Strangers are not supposed to have any impact on your life. All left to do was to reminisce, especially when anything or everything reminds me of the codes we shared. There isn't much time. sixo to be exact.
I feel darn useless.
same thought, so much of jealousy.

Reached home a little while before clocks struck twelve which marks csf's 21. Got up early this morning to cough out UCCD report before heading to her house for steamboat. Happy Birthday! It was great, teasing weiming & everything- the cake, food, ben&jerry & the company. But argh, it's back to slogging right down that I'm still at her place (with srz hibernating on/off beside me). Sis/cuzzie are meeting 12.30pm at laodifang later and the darn projects are deterring me from going. How can that be?
I should seriously start feeding on grasses alr my dear friends.
may i asked how did it go?
to run away from that love.
You know it's impossible.
I had a great day, which began with a refreshing jog after the longest time you can imagine at the park near Kopi See's. Following that, we went to town on a mission but seeing those tempting items on display, it definitely triggered our urge to shop! We even hopped on the train to Bugis cos we wanna continue the shopping spree but projects always spoil the fun. So anw, mission accomplished.
srz said it is reasonable for us to go out to chill next Friday after slogging for the 3 projs due that week. Moreover, we can treat it as a celebration for the 21. I find this idea acceptable. I am a particularist. We should be flexible to the situations and focus on relationships. Nevermind those endless assignments that causes stress which may eventually lead to health problems. Valid explanation right?
more than enough (silly) reasons to cling on
I freaking hate you.
I wished.
Allow me to reminisce the times we had together
A's have ended for fellow JC mates yet the pathetic us in DTRM are slogging away with the piles of projects over our heads. I have no idea what to update about because it's sickening to mention projs here. But basically life revolves around that. Nevertheless, we will definitely find new source of entertainment for ourselves or motivation to get our feet in campus. So much so that I want to know how you are doing, I am not allowed to speak a single word. I especially hate it at random times where I feel miserable. And you had to excuse the glance right away. No, it isn't making me any better. There isn't much time left.

seven nine to how you were doing
I came across this nasty auntie on the train, probably occupied the space on earth for more than 40 years. She squeezed her way into the packed cabin when the train doors were closing and for your info, she isn't slim at all. So obviously to her, it was no fault of hers to squeeze and push people since she must be rushing to the gate of below. A poor helpless ah ma who was grabbing on to the pole was bumped. Being typical aged, she spoke and commented in dialect 'don't keep pushing' those sort of things. That damn woman immed got pissed off and said so loudly 'scared squeeze den go take taxi lah'. She sounded like she was right to push people in order to get onto the train. Within one-stop distance, she kept staring at the ah ma from the corner of her eyes and mumbled god-knows-what under her bad breath. Her attitude sucks totally. I oversee everything because I was unlucky to have the creature standing right in front of me. If not that I was alone, I would have scolded her. Not only inconsiderate but also disrespectful. So all I did was purposely fidget and use my lecoq to push her before I alight. Being not that dumb, she knew I did that on purpose so she was fking childish to push me when I alight. Yes, she alighted at the same station and I could hear all sorts of profanities swimming out of her mouth. My friend told me that I should have repeated the same things to her 'Scared people push go take taxi lah!'
She is such a bitch, really.
Sorted it out doesn't mean it's put to an end
<1> Qiuhua has no life.
The amount of workload we have is way too frightening to be mentioned. We are shocked to realised time is so tight, without giving us any air to breathe. Projects are due week after week, all requiring much effort to get it done nicely. My eyes are getting smaller and dark eye circles/ eye bags are surfacing all due to lack of sleep. I don't have time to shop and play which makes everything worst. I haven't been to town for the longest time to see those pretty x'mas lightings. My self-discipline is eaten up by lazy bugs. I did not attend many lectures/tutorials these days. I can't be bothered to touch my assignments and I rushed thru' my MST revision just few days before the tests. Ahhh, this semester isn't that enjoyable. =(
<2> Qiuhua squeezed out time to get a life.
-X weeks ago, I went for steamboat/pool with sukie tong & jiarong.
-X weeks ago, I had a simple meal at Swensen's with sukie and on the same day, is the Disney internship recruitment interview.
-That Saturday, together with pple from 02, we attended the S'pore Hits Award with credit of free tix from siqi.
-During e-learning week, zzb went to vivocity for mystery shopping & dinner at Kimgary. overnight at sf's
-Dinner at Ministry of Food with sukie after ttp paper.
-MST week, zzb headed down to Chinatown travel agencies to get info for TTP proj. We ended up shopping before finally getting back to serious work.
-Partyworld and Vila'ge to celebrate cuzzies' birthdays. Shopping with sisters.
-Overnight at sf's house where I spent my night with Kopi See! (I like girls talk at night before turning in.)
-Queensway shopping centre for report printing. Screweddd day!
-Checkpoint to get cheap deals for jeans with zzb-csf. Chocolate fudge cake for 1.66 in school before heading to (minus all those waiting walking rotting cos we've no idea how to get to Miss Clarity Cafe) Spageddies with zzb+Jordon. Esplanade with 1.66 & rz =)
Happy Birthday,
Tang Bi Ying
Tang Chu Xuan
Huang Shuqi
Tang Bi Ying
Tang Chu Xuan
Huang Shuqi
Codes we shared have turned obsolete
The only reason why people hold on to memories so tight;
memories are the only things that won't change when everything else does.
Can't be bothered. Damnit.
the damn eye is of crazy pain.
Stop signing in & out.
I missxxxxx. ahhhhhh assssssholeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
93 days, and have them sealed.
Uh huh, this is real bad. Where has my self-discipline gone to? I told myself I will stop gorging like a glutton, but I ate 1 big bowl of salad, tuna sandwiches, & on and on. I told myself I will get my ass outta the house for some jogging, but all I did was some simple exercises & skipping. I told myself I will work on GOM today, but I only covered the history of gaming. And guess wad? It's Saturday! MST is 2 days away. Guess wad again? It's self-deceit to say I am revising for GOM when we were hooked on the Blackjack & Poker on Facebook.
Don't worry, I've closed the application cos I got bored of it.
That aside, I have a sudden urge to list down eat-outs/bars I wanna visit either because I've never been there before, or I wanna have a taste of the food there again!
1). The Soup Spoon- i miss my fave mushroom soup in breadbowl
2). Brewerkz
3). Fishermen's Wharf- they said food's quite cheap
4). Waraku/Pasta De Warauku- thou' I don't feel like going back there, but food is nice yeah?
5). Botak Jones
6). The Cannery
7). Sakae Sushi/ Sushi Tei/Ichiban Sushi- craving for sushi
8). Sakura- heard my mum mentioning few days ago, reminds me of the Clementi queuing
9). Subway- I love bread, dont ya rmb?
10). Cafe Del Mar- reviews i read hasn't been good, but I believe the ambiance is superb
11). Oosh- reviews isn't too good either, but i'm curious!
12). Ben & Jerry- Ice cream please =)
13). Ministry of Food- sukie & I wanna try that out
14). Spaggedies
15). Pariss Inernational Seafood Buffet
16). DXO- it's ladies night on friday!
And there are definitely more. I just can't recall.
Now, now. It's 2.10am in the morning. I say I will lay on eyes on the wonder of gaming. I said I'll probably enter my dreamland.
You bet.
Good Night all =)
i'll never get strong enough to lose you in the crowd
The 11 random things:
1). Mystery shopping/KimGary at vivo with zzb
2). zhuzhatang & me stayed overnight at sf/rz's
3). we drank, snacked, watched, chatted, laughed, lazed till dawn before heading to ChongPang for breakfast
4). had a long chat with sis before turning in the other night & i missed/love those times =)
5). coincidentally, both sis are having their company D&D tmr night
6). there has been overloading amount of tidbits at home like chipster/lays/chipsmore and i indulge in them like mad. cant remember when was the last time i grabbed a packet of them & munch while watching teevee
7). new phone on the wishlist! K960i is considerable
8). gonna do something to the unkept hair of mine- highlight RED!
9). i wanna get veryX10 high heels
10). ktv please, since there's student's promo at KBOX right now
11). MST is next week. I'll utter an 'Oh shit!'
1). Mystery shopping/KimGary at vivo with zzb
2). zhuzhatang & me stayed overnight at sf/rz's
3). we drank, snacked, watched, chatted, laughed, lazed till dawn before heading to ChongPang for breakfast
4). had a long chat with sis before turning in the other night & i missed/love those times =)
5). coincidentally, both sis are having their company D&D tmr night
6). there has been overloading amount of tidbits at home like chipster/lays/chipsmore and i indulge in them like mad. cant remember when was the last time i grabbed a packet of them & munch while watching teevee
7). new phone on the wishlist! K960i is considerable
8). gonna do something to the unkept hair of mine- highlight RED!
9). i wanna get veryX10 high heels
10). ktv please, since there's student's promo at KBOX right now
11). MST is next week. I'll utter an 'Oh shit!'
hey you are leaving, ain't you?

wooooo! it's been sometime since i last mention anything bout him yea? YEA BABY BABY! Official date of release for SHOW YOUR DANCE is on 16 Nov, pre-ordering from 2nd Nov! What's more? He's coming to my home (as in Singapore lah haha!) on the 9th Nov for SHOW ON STAGE ticket autograph session!
and at times like these when the night crawls by, i'll just say I miss you so badly.
One moment I thought I had it all sorted out. Another moment it is all messed up. This syndrome, constantly haunting. It is on and off and I am trying to get used to it. Otherwise, it's doing fine right there.
Previous weeks:
NewyorkNewyork, Esplanade, ktv, projects & assignments, steamboat, pool, interview for Disney internship program, Swensens, Singapore Hits Awards 2007.
Weeks ahead:
E-learning assignments, Mid-semester tests, tons of projects, movie, city square trip, retail therapy, cousins' birthdays, 1.66's birthday, (bars/pubs visits, suntanning, cycling, feasts- if time permits and financially possible!)
oh it's what you do to me
only to see the darkest alley, as days inched by.
Call me a sicko/psychotic/or anything u can relate to, because I like waking up at like 4am in the morning to do my research/assignments. The time I feel the tranquility and serenity, the calmness in the surroundings when the world (except me) is asleep. Nah, not that profound. haha just that I like the feeling of being alone in the familiar surrounding. My mind works best, at least i think so.
It's back to the good old days of projects piling up. We're in the T3W4 now and so far, I think only GBE interest me. & I shall not regret NOT choosing Mathematics for my elective. Why didn't I choose that??
Oh anws, KBOX is currently having promotions because of their 5th anniversary. $5+++ for those usual packages and 50% off for KBuffet! So how can I missed it right? But their service still sux like as ever. The promotion is till Thursday only, & I guessed we wouldn't have any free time for entertainment right now:(
Back to China-U.S.-Taiwan, China-U.S.-Taiwan, China-U.S.-Taiwan!
It's back to the good old days of projects piling up. We're in the T3W4 now and so far, I think only GBE interest me. & I shall not regret NOT choosing Mathematics for my elective. Why didn't I choose that??
Oh anws, KBOX is currently having promotions because of their 5th anniversary. $5+++ for those usual packages and 50% off for KBuffet! So how can I missed it right? But their service still sux like as ever. The promotion is till Thursday only, & I guessed we wouldn't have any free time for entertainment right now:(
Back to China-U.S.-Taiwan, China-U.S.-Taiwan, China-U.S.-Taiwan!
The sweetest flashback, all stranger-ed.
Café Iguana

The FOUR, who looked & acted innocently, made a reservation at Iguana. The interior isn't too bad (but I think those over at The Cannery are nicer). We did a lot of embarassing stuff as usual.

All these pictures were taken when they were still sober. After the stuffing of nachos-together with the drinks-laughing over silly things-telling the truth when the pen points at the unlucky one, the funny fun began!
First to go, Mavis suddenly resting her head quietly den a fish-like substance gliding out of her mouth. haha. GROSS. Then obviously the alcohol did get into the bloodstream of srz & 1.66, making them do things any normal person who's wasted does. On the way back, srz goes round muack-ing guys & hugging practically everything she can lean on. Spare the details and take her look at her when you get to see her in school.
See what tequila did to her.
First to go, Mavis suddenly resting her head quietly den a fish-like substance gliding out of her mouth. haha. GROSS. Then obviously the alcohol did get into the bloodstream of srz & 1.66, making them do things any normal person who's wasted does. On the way back, srz goes round muack-ing guys & hugging practically everything she can lean on. Spare the details and take her look at her when you get to see her in school.
See what tequila did to her.
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