It has always to be when silence crept into the four walls, the faded memories recognises the good times. Rewind to the very primitive of strangers stealing glances over card games, the silly flurry over the debut of white angel, the abrupt dispassion for uncharted reasons. Then comes an item happily in love embrace, marking an end to moments of pretendence. Everything was seemingly good 6 feet below. Too prefect to be true, love scatters and hopped on the wrong track. Typical to be taken aback, but fell into the trap anyway right away. It was way too much like a heaven that is off one's reach. The spell of one trip proved them all. Nothing's gonna work out fine, the feeling wasn't right. Codes turned meaningless and obsolete just in a blink. All left now was a distant 2-word text, the lonely avenue that once led to heaven's door, a familiar shadow dissolving into the corner of a road and unbearable days with shunning glances. Flashback like these are sealed in there, to lead me back. Of cos, in the end it's actions not words that truly matter. Grant me my wish, Santa. I am not asking for much, am I?
Merry X'mas to you
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