Bring me balloons- because it feels good to be like a child, gripping on to them and walked along the streets, while little fellow kiddies eye with envy. (But back in reality, it's quite embarrassing if you don't offer the balloons to that kid right?) It was an extremely filling lunch at Botak Jones to celebrate the commence of Birdie Days. Catching up sessions, it was a nice and simple day.

One fine Saturday morning, I made Oreo Cheesecake with the help of YYsuperman. The end results ain't too bad, but I thought the biscuits were a little high in glucose level eh. The same day was hip-hop after 0 attendance for the 1st lesson. So fun but challenging for my zero dancing background. Oh, I made new specs (which I reckon classmates will tease cos of the xwm's-sister-status) and pairs of cool coloured contacts. It was yet another simple and lovely day all due to the good laughs at my sister. & I sudd rmbr smth, I prefer reading CLEO compared to Female & Seventeen. Duh, random.
Anyway, I love mama for the simplest reason. She's the only who knows me inside out to that extend. She bought fish burger for me yesterday hehheh:) And I am going for movie with her tmr. loves.
p/s. I will update bout HK trip soon after I get hold of the pictures from boobzy superman NSY!
p/s. Poo poo ain't too good still, at least no more tummy discomfort, no need for disgusting medicine!
p/s. Alrighty, off to catch my episodes. shittie results' out tmr!
p/s. am back to days of Iwish-Iwish-Iwish. :(
p/s. I love this song and I kept browsing my own webblog just to listen heh=)

Hello Dearest-Most Familiar Town-Weather-Air-Faces-Diary,
Much misses I am back safe and sound. The trip was indeed an experience for us 4 brave young souls. So unbelievable, so proud of it. A Valentine's never to be forgotten :) Shall save the details for another time, perhaps tmr after movie.
Pre CNY period was mainly family time, shopping with mummy/yan, spring cleaning, and steamboat and stuff. CNY day 1 was traditional house visits (was fun taking pics), d2 was walking from end to end at home with mummy, d3 was ahyi's place then ktv and finally the best part where cuzzies came over for games (got us very high, screaming & all), d4 was sukie's place then movie and home to lao yu sheng, d5 was town and meet up zzb to sf's followed by mine. Subsequent days was going out to get stuffs for the trip, preparing and packing. Then it was Valentine's! It was the day!
Alrighty, am going to my room to stripppppppppp cos it's freaking warm esp without a fan right now. Missing the 13oC already man, time to tune back to the 26oC ahh!
Perhaps I should have agreed to go over for mahjong, or even go out for the movie. am not feeling down, just plain misses...
Happy Lunar New Year! I'm wearing a authentic gold ring, once in the ownership of my great-grandmother and now belonged to my mum. It'll huat huat me in the year of Rat :)
Alright, let's be frank now.
My dad rushed back to Malaysia yesterday noon & is supposed to be back by evening today but obviously he isn't, my mum is having her routinely exercise with the usuals at ex-ah ma's house, Da-sister should be with Kelvin at his relative house if not mahjong too, superman is at KTV with Leon's family at tpy, and Me am alone at home at now on the very 1st day of the Lunar New Year. Poor thing.....
We were saying perhaps there won't be ex-ah ma's house for us to gather next year. The situation this year is definitely worst off than last year's- no food/drink, no cny decos, no sofas, not even proper tiles on the floor. I miss ah ma, I miss how those usuals complain & nag, I miss the scene whereby some were engrossed in the Chinese-style Blackjack, I miss the noise and festive atmosphere, I miss times where people longbang in other's vehicle and ah ma brought us to whosoever house to bai nian, then we'll get so excited when we see chocolates. Things have changed, so much so I bet it's out of the adults' control. Boringggg...
Hmmm actually it isn't really as bad as what you've read so far. At least we did had some fun- mummy screaming at us in the morning to wake us up, 4 girls dolling up themselves and mummy starts to get hiao, getting to taste new year goodies, cam-whoring. But I foresee a boring day tmr. Grrrr!
Sidetrack from all the new year hoohoo, I am very satisfied because I finally found the song in the Nikon camera advertisement u guys probably would have seen on TV. It's shortlisted in the Viewers' Choice contest. heh=)
& there are so many movies I wanna watch- the long due 27 Dresses, CJ7, Kungfu Dunk, Ah Long Pte Ltd.
Me am very looking forward to HK, so feels like doing projects when I did research on the transportation.
春节愉快! 發發發!
because that will be the last time, nevermind the courage. It's of no use. Let's see until then what happens.
I can't get enough of shopping! It's great shopping with my sister because both of us wouldn't be in the right mind- she'll psycho me & i'll psycho her, and we ended up with lots of new buys. I managed to resist at certain point, holding all that for my hk trip.
Yipeeee! Me am so looking forward to Valentine's, & perhaps CNY cos it's time for girls in the house to doll up tgt with nice pretty clothes!
oh, i'm thinking of h/ling my hair red.
oh, i'm sick of my blogskin but i can't lay my eyes on any:(