Bring me balloons- because it feels good to be like a child, gripping on to them and walked along the streets, while little fellow kiddies eye with envy. (But back in reality, it's quite embarrassing if you don't offer the balloons to that kid right?) It was an extremely filling lunch at Botak Jones to celebrate the commence of Birdie Days. Catching up sessions, it was a nice and simple day.
Anyway, I love mama for the simplest reason. She's the only who knows me inside out to that extend. She bought fish burger for me yesterday hehheh:) And I am going for movie with her tmr. loves.

p/s. Poo poo ain't too good still, at least no more tummy discomfort, no need for disgusting medicine!
p/s. Alrighty, off to catch my episodes. shittie results' out tmr!
p/s. am back to days of Iwish-Iwish-Iwish. :(
p/s. I love this song and I kept browsing my own webblog just to listen heh=)
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