Pieces of me

Minimal energy level yet my mind can't seem to shut totally and I am feeling super bloated and uncomfortable. There are so many things left undone, so many serials waiting for me to watch, so many GSS calling, and dreadfully, so many notes to flip through. Work was better this time round, with lesser BGL crowds so that I could have more of my 10-seconds fresh air. I swear I saw someone of your resemblance, so much so much alike. Perhaps brighter, smarter, cooler, taller and perfectly pretty eyes:) and damn eh, GJH doesn't allow us to work for PC Show. MY MONEY!!

!can't wait to do smth to my hair
!can't wait for shopping sprees
!can't wait for Night Safari
but i don't wish to move on, because somehow, the route ahead isn't as promising..
my dream is never to grow up:)

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