new phone

Th new phone tale

Recently, I went to Courts with my sis. & it came across our minds tht we wanted a new phone at home. So we started browsing thru the various gadgets, hoping to get one tht's cheap & good.

one caught our eyes. comes in black/white, cordless(juz as wad we wanted) and it costs only 50bucks. to make things clear, it was actually th price tht caught our attention. cheapest among those others.

Coincidentally, our dearest mum called. so I told her 'bout the phone & casually made a remark tht we can each fork out 10 bucks since der's 5 of us in d family. Happily we purchased the phone.

Upon reachin' home, my mum really took out 10bucks. following tht she told my sis to collect $10 from each of us. sheesh, she took my words for real can. & it's sooo unfair cos never once will i touch the house phone. But she's so cute & funny.
So, everyone contributed to the new residential phone!

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